About Me

Hello! I am Alicia Lindbom - a full-time artist and small business owner. Iā€™m also a veteran spouse, naturalist, and educator.

I grew up in the country with a family of self-taught creatives. Nature and art are intricately tied to my well being - as necessary to my spirit as sunshine is to my body.

After earning an AAS in Commercial Art and BFA in Illustration, I spent a number of years doing graphic design. Though financially worthwhile, I felt drained and disconnected from nature and creativity. So I changed careers and spent the next sixteen years working as a naturalist and outdoor educator. It was a wonderful career turn and brought me home to myself and my creativity. I also met my husband during this time, married into the military, and swapped from mostly oil painting to mostly printing.

In the fall of 2022, after my husband left the military, we and our cat set out in a 16ā€™ Scamp to visit family and slow travel the US. It is definitely a work in progress of its own! To follow along with my creative journey and travels, connect with me on social media or join my mailing list!